2024 한인교회 발달장애 컨퍼런스
K-Church Disability Conference 2024
[Date] OCTOBER 25(Fri)-26(Sat), 2024
[Place] YoungNak Church of L.A.

[Topic] Walking Together; In Christ
Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that the number of children (ages 3-17) diagnosed with developmental disabilities continues to increase at 7.4% in 2019 and 8.56% in 2021. However, the number of families with disabilities attending Korean American churches is gradually decreasing.
Disability ministry is a ministry that involves people with disabilities, their families, and people without disabilities, and it is essential for all members and the church to form a community that is united with each other in the name of Jesus, so that we can play a missionary role in helping families with disabilities settle in the church and open up the possibility of evangelism.
This conference will explore and build upon the good practices of churches with active disability ministries in the Americas,
It will be a time for deeper understanding and unity among people with disabilities, their families, ministers, and congregations to build a community of mutual understanding and move forward together.
We invite you to join us for this conference and ask that you register in advance.

